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heal: kinesiology for ultimate wellbeing

heal: kinesiology for ultimate wellbeing

Have you ever found yourself feeling unwell and when you’ve been to the doctor they find nothing wrong with you?

You might have even had tests that have come back clear but instinctively you know that there is still something that is niggling away telling you that you need to listen to your body.

I remember coming back from a trip to Thailand so poorly and months of tests revealed nothing. I didn’t know where to turn and knew there was something I needed to get to the bottom of so decided to get tested for allergies and food intolerances. This was when I discovered Kinesiology. Now, whenever I feel that something in my body is unbalanced, it’s the first place that I turn. Therapists can help you get to the root of what is wrong and give your body the tools it needs to get back on track.

So what exactly is it and what can you expect?

Kinesiology uses simple non invasive muscle testing to find troublesome areas and help to get to the root cause rather than just dealing with the symptoms of a problem. You lay on a couch, fully clothed whilst the therapist combines specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, energy reflexes (using gentle acupressure) and emotional releasing to balance you holistically.

During your first appointment you are tested to find out the foods that your body likes, dislikes and things that can trigger reactions with anything from cigarette smoke to your favourite foods and even your pets. If you combine this with Nutritional Therapy, you are also tested for which natural supplements may help to put anything that shows up back in to balance. You will then be guided through a nutrition and supplement plan helping to to make changes day to day to help your body to rebuild itself.

Chia Pudding

It’s known to help with, digestive disorders, eating disorders, cardiovascular health problems, eczema and other skin complaints, ME, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, arthritis and joint problems, hormonal imbalances, headaches and migraines, depression, hyperactivity, autism, candida and parasitic infections amongst many, many others.

With so many things that can knock off us off course from pollution in the air, electromagnetic smog from our mobiles & laptops to toxins in our food and water and that’s not forgetting day to day stress. Kinesiology is a gentle and easy way to understand what is making us feel unwell and out of sync. Like anything, some things will be easy to understand and cure quickly and others may be multi layered and take time. So many of us have signs or symptoms that our bodies are trying to alert us with, it can be easy to ignore them and hope that they will go away. Even though it can sometimes feel scary, it’s always worth facing these things head on, finding out what your body is trying to tell you so that you can begin to heal. The longer things are left, they can escalate and bring us further pain and discomfort in the future.

You got this.

Find a Kinesiology Practitioner near you: https://www.kinesiologyfederation.co.uk

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