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eat: could matcha be one of the worlds wonder foods?

eat: could matcha be one of the worlds wonder foods?

If you have ever jumped on drinking Green Tea as a way to detox then you might be aware of some of its health benefits. Switching a strong coffee for a cup of the green stuff not only helps to stabilise your blood sugar levels but also helps to fight disease and improve blood flow within the body. If you’re a fan of Green Tea then you need to get to know about Matcha.

Grown in the shade, its leaves have a higher chlorophyll content which makes them a vibrant green colour. The leaf is then ground down to a powder, mixed with boiling water and gently whisked before being served. The flavour is light and sweeter compared to normal Green Tea and across the world is added to desserts, drinks and even cosmetics. Head over to Japan and you will find it everywhere, from Matcha flavoured KitKats to ice cream and even in noodles and croissants.

For many, Matcha can be an acquired taste but the benefits of adding it in to your diet surpass its sometimes bitter flavour. Whether you decide to have it in a latte, in a smoothie for breakfast or as a shot first thing in the morning, it can help to make you feel more relaxed and balanced. It’s naturally high in antioxidants so helps to support your immune system and fight off colds and viruses as well as giving you a steady release of energy throughout the day.

Loaded with L-theanine and natural caffeine, it helps you to stay alert and focused which is why Monks have been known to use to for meditation and some students take it before their exams. Also known for it’s calming properties, Matcha contains polyphenols and catechins that help the skin against damage caused by UV-radiation and pollution.

Matcha also supports your metabolism encouraging your body to burn fat and use energy. According to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking Green Tea increased the body's rate of burning calories, from eight to ten percent to thirty five to forty three percent of its daily energy expenditure. It can be used for jet lag and has also been known to help to clear a hangover.

Whether you ask for one next time you are at your local coffee shop or decide to try it out in powdered form, it’s one of the worlds hidden wonder foods. People who know about it swear by it and if you’re learning about it for the first time it might just be something that you decide to swear by too. Enjoy.

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