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heal: the essence of spiritual healing with julie higgins

heal: the essence of spiritual healing with julie higgins

If your Birthday is in lockdown you have to get creative. Not able to go for dinner or see your mates like years before, I decided to book in for a distant healing session. Before I worked in music, I was a Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist. Working with people every day I was fascinated by understanding how to heal the root cause of illness, this led me in to the realms of Reiki, Crystal Healing, EFT and NLP. Distant healing is something that I often did for family members who were unwell or for friends on the other side of the world. During lockdown, it has been something that has been brought to the forefront as an alternative option for people who may be finding this time challenging.

Julie Higgins is a Spiritual Healer and founder of Rebel Alchemy in Hackney, East London. She strives to help people understand how to restore balance in their lives and to realign with their higher purpose. Julie covers therapies such as chakra balancing, aura cleansing, spirit release, ancestral healing, inner child work, chord cutting and past lives. Speaking on FaceTime before our session, she radiates the therapies she offers. Warm, friendly and with a beaming smile, her distant healings feel like a gentle reset. One where when you open your eyes the world feels brighter again.

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual Healing is a form of Energy Healing which can be used to tackle ailments be it physical, psychological or emotional. Although ‘Reiki’ is the name people typically associate with healing in today's terms, spiritual healing is actually the traditional form of “laying of hands”, which has always been in existence since biblical times. In essence, spiritual healing and Reiki both produce similar results, albeit the two modalities have different methods of application. 

How did you discover it and why did you decide to become a healer?

Healing chose me; I didn’t choose it. Historically, I was a musician but what I didn’t realise in the past, was that music in itself, is a form of healing. I guess I always possessed healing energy. Even from the age of fourteen, strangers would approach me at the bus stop and start telling me their life stories. Then throughout my twenties, people began to remark on how calm and serene my disposition was and in general, I noticed people always had a tendency to gravitate towards me. I never thought anything of it at the time, I thought these qualities were pretty standard in everyone, but as I got older, I realised this wasn’t necessarily the case.  

As to why I became a healer? Well, I guess when you have a spiritual calling or gift that isn’t being honoured, life will attempt to grab your attention by any means necessary and quite often that will mean a baptism of fire. For me, that involved a series of unfortunate events that forced me to wake up. The end result was me having to solve my own problem and heal myself, hence that was the start of my healing journey.    

How can it help to restore balance?

Healing works on correcting imbalances within the chakra system. Our chakras are energy centres that run along the spine.  Although we can’t see chakras, they’re like spinning discs (energy vortexes) that correspond with subsequent bodily organs and functions. When a chakra becomes compromised or blocked, illness begins to manifest. As an example, a malfunction in the solar plexus (which controls the digestive system), may result in diseases relating to our digestion or digestive organs. Imbalances within the base chakra, (which controls the skeletal system), may result in conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism and overall issues with the bones. When an illness arises, it will always be due to an imbalance or blockage in the relevant chakra. The chakras are equivalent to computer hard drives. They record and store trauma and suppressed emotions. The antidote to correcting imbalances within the chakra system is via some form of energy healing. 

What are its benefits?

Unlike other therapies which only treat the symptoms, healing targets the root cause of the illness. Although we’re not allowed to make any claims to cure, there are many occasions when ailments do get resolved in their entirety. There’s no way of knowing in advance what the outcome will be but even when a disease is chronic, Healing at the very least can help stave off any further deterioration. Additionally, healing (when it’s successful), remediates quickly. Most common conditions will only need three to five sessions, so it’s not the type of therapy whereby you need to keep going back on an infinite basis. 

What can you expect from a session?

In general, the session is quite peaceful. The healing itself lasts for around twenty to thirty minutes with the client laying on a couch (fully clothed) and for the duration of the treatment they simply relax. Some healers work interactively and ask the client questions as they’re going along but I tend to work in silence (with the exception of music playing in the background). During the session you may feel the energy moving around your body, you may feel hot or cold, you may get tingling sensations, you may see colours or visuals in front of your eyes and sometimes people receive intuitive messages. 

It is important to stress, that healing is very cathartic. It activates the subconscious brain and in doing so it can extract suppressed trauma in order for it to be released and purged. With this in mind, it shouldn’t be mistaken for a relaxation therapy. Quite often clients can get very emotional or even agitated as a result of the treatment and may sometimes incur physical discomfort, as energy blockages are broken down around the body.  

How does distant healing work?

The principal of healing works exactly the same whether you have a face to face session or whether you receive distant healing on the other side of the world. The healer mentally projects an intention on to the client whilst channeling energy into them. With distant healing you can either visualise the person standing or lying in front of you, or you can work with a photograph. You then proceed to heal the seven chakras in sequence whilst concentrating on any presiding issues. The beauty with distant healing is that there's no reduction in efficacy. It’s just as powerful as when you’re here with me in the same room. Energy as a medium transcends time and space, so there's no limitation as to how far the healing energy can travel.   

For anyone who may be finding times difficult right now, what advice can you offer?

I know many people are struggling with mental health issues during this period, so it’s imperative to mitigate these negative emotions before they exacerbate into something more serious. It’s important to adopt a routine of clearing the energy field (or aura), of negative energies that are accumulated. When the energy field is clear and in optimum health, it will be at a high vibration. Fear, anxiety, panic and depression, all lower the energetic vibration which in turn lowers our immune system. When our energetic vibration falls too low, this opens a floodgate for debilitating illness to set in.

Utilising crystals is a powerful way to cleanse the energy field. Black tourmaline in particular, is highly effective for transmuting negative thoughts and emotions into positive. You can either carry a piece of black tourmaline in your pocket or wear a piece of jewellery on a permanent basis. When working with crystals, it’s important to cleanse and program them beforehand. You can find information about this on the internet. The most preferred method for cleansing crystals, is smudging with sage. Sage can also be used to negate negative energies from your aura, as well as negativity within your home and space.

Taking salt baths is also a perfect way to cleanse the energy field. This can be done once a week, or two to three times a week if the situation is more dire. I usually use a kilo of sea salt for each bath. 

Meditation is another fantastic tool. If you can meditate for at least 5-10 minutes (2 to 3 times a day), this will be hugely beneficial to your overall wellbeing. It raises your energetic vibration. Even taking a brisk walk or listening to music is meditative, so you don’t need to necessarily sit and zone out if that’s not your thing. 

It’s important to remember, that this moment will pass.

There are numerous ways that we can safeguard our mental and physical wellbeing. Sometimes it just requires thinking outside the box. No one needs to suffer in silence. Help is available for those who are willing to seek it.   

connect with julie and find out more…

find her on the therapy directory: https://www.therapy-directory.org.uk/therapists/julie-higgins

email her and book a session: info@rebelalchemy.net

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